Drinkmate Expands Convenient Online CO2 Exchange Program to Celebrate Earth Day 2021
Mike CorradiniRecycle and Refill Program Now Includes SodaStream and SodaSense Cylinders
Ann Arbor, MI – Earth Day 2021 – Just in time for Earth Day 2021, Drinkmate, a leader in the home carbonation category, is expanding their convenient online Recycle & Refill CO2 exchange program that allows consumers to easily exchange their empty CO2 cylinders from home. Drinkmate now accepts empty cylinders from SodaStream and SodaSense brands. They also now offer a CO2 exchange box and return label for customers exchanging multiple cylinders. The expansion of the Recycle & Refill program is Drinkmate’s latest eco-friendly initiative to preserve the earth’s resources by reducing plastic bottle use.
Plastic bottles are not biodegradable and usage negatively impacts the environment by overflowing landfills, requiring high amounts of fossil fuel for production, and covering the ocean surface with plastic products, which endangers wildlife. What’s more, the tremendous amount of plastic bottle waste that is dumped into oceans ends up getting inadvertently consumed by marine life, making its way into the human food chain. Drinkmate’s goal is to provide consumers with a convenient, fun, and healthy way to reduce overall plastic bottle use.
Drinkmate’s online CO2 exchange program provides customers with a prepaid return label to use to send their empty cylinders to the Drinkmate facility in exchange for full CO2 cylinders. Once received at the facility, customers receive a gift card to be used for replacement cylinders. Empty cylinders are inspected, cleaned, and refilled for future use. To acquire a free shipping label for empty cylinders, consumers simply email CO2@idrinkproducts.com.
“It’s always been our goal to provide customers with a product line that enables them to easily make their own carbonated beverages, which can significantly reduce plastic bottle waste while also providing a healthier alternative to packaged bottled soda and water,” said Douglas Wang, Chief Executive Officer of Drinkmate. “Our online CO2 exchange Recycle & Refill program makes home carbonation even simpler by replacing empty cylinders easily and quickly. For Earth Day 2021, we have expanded this program to accept competitor bottles from SodaStream and SodaSense, which we hope will encourage more and more people to exchange and refill empty cylinders.”
About Drinkmate
Drinkmate’s mission is to allow consumers to get creative in discovering new beverages, drink healthier and have fun, while reducing plastic bottle waste. Its proprietary technology allows the consumer to carbonate any kind of beverage safely and quickly. Based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, the company serves as the global headquarters for the Drinkmate brand with operations in Asia, Europe and the Americas. For more information, please visit www.Drinkmate.us