Drinkmate is the "Best Overall Sparkling Water Maker" by Treehugger

Drinkmate is the "Best Overall Sparkling Water Maker" by Treehugger

"A big selling point for this machine is that it can add carbonation to any drink, not just water. That means you can perk up juices, ciders, wine, and even flat beer with some fizz. The machine doesn’t require electricity and uses standard 60 liter CO2 cylinders, which several different manufacturers make.


It’s intuitive to use, so you won’t be struggling to figure out all the steps. Place the CO2 cylinder in its compartment, fill the plastic bottle with cold water, screw into place, push the button, and you’re set. It’s available in white, red, and black and has a two-year limited warranty. Reviewers say they like that it's easy-to-use, although some commented it’s too tall to fit under some kitchen cabinets."

Read more here!

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